

The ScotlandIS 气候技术 Hub aims to position Scotland as one of the world’s leading countries for activity related to 气候技术.

Created in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, the purpose of the 气候技术 Hub is to act as the go-to platform for individuals and organisations seeking to engage with or access knowledge relating to the 气候技术 community in Scotland.

The Hub was developed in conjunction with a study investigating Scotland’s activity in 气候技术. 我们的最终报告, “An Analysis of 气候技术 in Scotland”, 可以在下面访问, and highlights some of the key economic opportunities that 气候技术 can offer Scotland’s future economy and workforce. The paper aims to identify those areas of market demand within 气候技术 and the potential investment pipeline for future 气候技术nologies.

The Hub offers insights into the 气候技术 landscape via real-life case studies, 融资机会, 资源与文献, 相关新闻报道, 和事件. Its aim is to be recognised internationally as a vehicle for communication, 创新, 的想法, 动机, 和合作伙伴.

在COP26之前, we will be highlighting a range of different activity around Climate Tech, and hosting a number of events with leading experts in this space. This includes a monthly webinar series featuring guest speakers that contributed their knowledge to our 气候技术 report.

If you are interested in being featured on our Climate Tech Hub or are working on events and opportunities in this space, 请 保持联系 展示你正在做的工作.

Download your copy of the report now







0411月10:00 am特色ScotlandIS Policy Steering Group: Green Datacentres
